Sunday 14 February 2016

It's clobberin' time! New Batman V Superman posters show heroes going toe-to-toe in vicious fight to the finish

Casual analysis would suggest it should be the most one-way of fights.But it looks like the man of steel is going to get more than he bargained for after new Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice posters showing the heroes going toe-to-toe were released this weekend.

And it will surely further whet the appetite of fans eager to know which of the DC Universe heavyweights will emerge victorious from their amateur boxing match.

In the first of the images Ben Affleck's version of Batman is shown winding up a massive left cross, which he is seemingly hoping to land square on his rival's kisser.In the other, Henry Cavill's character is getting ready to throw what will surely be a literally earth-shaking right cross.

Kapow: But the Man Of Steels seems to seize on Batman's decision to change punching hands to wind up a powerful blow of his own 

Suit you sir: The Dark Knight seems to stand more of a chance after donning his power armour for this IMAX poster 

It has certainly been a big week for fans of the World's Finest superheroes. 
For gentle Ben and Jersey-born beefcake Henry both found a little time for the ladies in the final trailer for the fiilm, which was unveiled on Thursday.
While the vast majority of the two-and-a-half minute clip was spent showing the World's Finest sparring with each other, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman and Amy Adam's Lois Lane do each get a brief look in. 

To the Wayne Manor born: Ben Affleck tries to chat up Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman in the final trailer 

For the first time, 30-year-old Gadot speaks, not as Wonder Woman, but as her 'alter ego' Diana Prince.
She can be seen cosying up to an enraptured Bruce Wayne at a swanky party.

'I know a few women like you,' he breathes over her shoulder, before she turns and flashes him a knowing smile.
'Oh I don't think you've ever known a woman like me,' she replies.

Check out the final Trailer here 

Wonder-ful chat: For the first time, 30-year-old Gadot speaks, not as Wonder Woman, but as her 'alter ego' Diana Prince, as she cosies up to an enraptured Bruce Wayne at a swanky party

He knows lots of superheroes, actually: 'I know a few women like you,' he breathes over her shoulder, before she turns and flashes him a knowing smile. 'Oh I don't think you've ever known a woman like me,' she replies 

Not to be outdone, Cavill can also be seen climbing fully clothed on top of a not-so-fully clothed Adams as she giggles in the bath.

The trailer opens with Jeremy Irons' Alfred Pennyworth piloting the Batwing, and informing his charge in a very nonchalant tone about the two dozen hostiles his thermal imaging has detected on the third floor of the building they are about to pay a visit to.

'Why don't I drop you off on the second?' he suggests, flipping the Dark Knight off the nose of the aircraft and through a window, who then bursts up through the floor and takes out all 24 armed mercenaries with some breathtaking fight choreography.

An Amazonian beauty: Gal can also be seen in Wonder Woman form, as she unleashes a battle cry 

I'm getting slow in my old age Alfred,' he says afterward. 'Even you have got to old to die young,' his butler tiredly replies, 'and not for lack of trying.'

The clip shows some previously seen footage of a horrified Bruce Wayne watching Superman defeat General Zod during the events of Man Of Steel, and taking out much of Gotham City in the process.

'He has the power to wipe out the entire human race,' Affleck can be heard arguing. 'If we believe there is even a one per cent chance that he is our enemy we have to take it as an absolute certainty.

Horrified: The clip shows some previously seen footage of Bruce Wayne watching Superman defeat General Zod during the events of Man Of Steel, and taking out much of Gotham City in the process 

Man with the plan: 'He has the power to wipe out the entire human race,' Affleck can be heard arguing. 'If we believe there is even a one per cent chance that he is our enemy we have to take it as an absolute certainty.' 

Pulling the strings: Lex Luthor can be heard saying off screen the idea 'power can be innocent' is a lie 
Up next? Batman overlooks a wasteland imprinted with the logo of DC supervillain Darkseid 
 Fail: Batman's attempts to shoot Superman doesn't do much either 
 Supe-d up suit? The Last Son of Krypton is shocked when a hook he swings at the human hero is blocked

As Batman is seen rather fruitlessly ramming Superman with the Batmobile, Jesse Eisenbeg's Lex Luthor declares the matchup 'the greatest gladiator match in the history of the world: god versus man. Day versus night.'

'You're psychotic,' Adams tells him. 'That is a three syllable word too big for any thought too big for little minds,' he rebuffs.

The trailer also shows more of what fans believe is either a dream sequence or a set up for the sequel: Batman overlooking a wasteland of what was once a city, a huge Omega symbol - the motif of DC uber-baddie Darkseid - carved into the Earth.

The subsequent flash shows what appears to be Darkseid's Parademon's attacking a military encampment - seemingly the same camp Batman was imprisoned beneath when he was unmasked by Superman in a previous teaser.

'You know the oldest lie in America?' Luthor can be heard asking off screen. 'That power can be innocent.' 
But the trailer saves the best image for last: the look on Son of Krypton's face when he swings a right hook at the non-superpowered Batman... and he blocks it.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice flies into theatres on March 25. 

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