SECURITY experts fear a clash of historic foes in the "overcrowded" Syrian War will trigger World War.
Analysts now fear the bloodbath – already longer than World War One – is mutating into a full-scale regional war.
Saudi Arabia has threatened to send in ground troops and intelligence reports suggest Turkey is preparing to invade.
Ukraine is also weighing up sending in soldiers.If their forces clashed with Russians or Iranians already on the ground, NATO – including Britain – could be dragged into an apocalyptic World War 3.
Most military experts see the conflict as a proxy war between Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia – supported by the US – on one side and Shia Muslim Iran – backed by Russia – on the other.“Even an accidental engagement could trigger the kind of showdown everyone wants to avoid”Tom Wilson
The civil war in Yemen is also a victim of the new power struggle for control of the Middle East – which dates back to the death of Muhammed in 632 AD.
But the new Cold War – which some claim involved Saudi Arabia arming ISIS and Iran backing militants such as the Houthi rebels in Yemen – would turn searing hot if Saudi troops met the Iranian Army on the battlefield.
The US fears Saudi Arabia may have obtained – or tried to obtain – nuclear weapons for a final battle with its centuries-old enemy.
"Saudi talk of sending troops to Syria may be a bluff to try and force the West to take more decisive action in that country instead.
"But if the Saudis do put troops on the ground in Syria then this would represent the opening of a major new front in what is increasingly a full scale regional conflict."
Russia claims aerial photographs reveal Turkey is preparing to invade Syria, its neighbor.Turkish Islamic extremists are already fighting in Syria – some on the side of ISIS – with well-attended funerals for "martyrs" held back home in Turkey.
Ultra-nationalist "Grey Wolves" – who want to protect Turkmen living in northern Syria and restore the Ottoman Empire – are also battling the Syrian army and Russian forces.
Enmity between Black Sea rivals Russia and Turkey dates back so long a Jewish "oracle" prophesied an apocalyptic war between Russia and Turkey would usher in the End of Days 200 years ago.
Turkey is now a member of NATO and if the old enemies came to blows again – as almost happened when Turkey shot down a Russian jet last year – the US and UK would be compelled to back Turkey.
Britain has already been dragged into war with Russia by Turkey once: the Crimean War.
The huge country – which acts as a buffer between Europe and Russia – is already engaged in a civil war with Russian-backed rebels back home.
If its troops met Russians for real in Syria all hell could break loose.Especially as it is also backed by NATO.
Air strikes in Syria leave waves of destruction
"Even an accidental engagement between Russian forces and those of a western power could serve as a trigger for the kind of showdown everyone wants to avoid.
"What is for sure is that Syria is becoming an increasingly crowded place."
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